Dagens Lista: Simpsons
Listar här dom 10 bästa karaktärerna i The Simpsons förutom familjemedlemmarna.
10.Seymor Skinner - (thinking) If I find out you cut class, your ass is mine. Yes, you heard me. I think words I would never say.
9.Chief Wiggum - No... sorry, you have the wrong number, this is 912.
8.Bumblebee Man - El yo-yo es grande
7.Prof. Frink - Well it's not your original bear of course mm-hey, but it's programmed to be just as cuddly.
6.Hans Moleman - I was saying Boo-urns.
5.Krusty the Clown - "S" is for "shiksa"! S-H-I ... uh, I think there's a "T" in there somewhere ... ah, look it up!
4.Mayor Quimby - Ich bin ein Springfield swap meet patron
3.Troy McClure - You might remember me from such self-help videos as "Smoke Yourself Thin", and "Get Confident, Stupid.".
2.Mr. Burns - Damn it, Smithers! This isn't rocket science, it's brain surgery!
1.Lionel Hutz -
Hutz: Mr. Simpson, I was just going through your garbage, and I couldn't help overhearing that you need a babysitter. Of course, being a highly-skilled attorney, my fee is $175 an hour.
Homer: We pay eight dollars for the night, and you can take two popsicles out of the freezer.
Hutz: Three.
Homer: Two.
Hutz: OK, two. And I get to keep this old bird cage.
Homer: Done!
Hutz: [proudly] Still got it
10.Seymor Skinner - (thinking) If I find out you cut class, your ass is mine. Yes, you heard me. I think words I would never say.
9.Chief Wiggum - No... sorry, you have the wrong number, this is 912.
8.Bumblebee Man - El yo-yo es grande
7.Prof. Frink - Well it's not your original bear of course mm-hey, but it's programmed to be just as cuddly.
6.Hans Moleman - I was saying Boo-urns.
5.Krusty the Clown - "S" is for "shiksa"! S-H-I ... uh, I think there's a "T" in there somewhere ... ah, look it up!
4.Mayor Quimby - Ich bin ein Springfield swap meet patron
3.Troy McClure - You might remember me from such self-help videos as "Smoke Yourself Thin", and "Get Confident, Stupid.".
2.Mr. Burns - Damn it, Smithers! This isn't rocket science, it's brain surgery!
1.Lionel Hutz -
Hutz: Mr. Simpson, I was just going through your garbage, and I couldn't help overhearing that you need a babysitter. Of course, being a highly-skilled attorney, my fee is $175 an hour.
Homer: We pay eight dollars for the night, and you can take two popsicles out of the freezer.
Hutz: Three.
Homer: Two.
Hutz: OK, two. And I get to keep this old bird cage.
Homer: Done!
Hutz: [proudly] Still got it